Lecithin (lecithin) is a phosphatidyl choline compounds contained in soy extracts. Other names include lecithin is phosphatidyl, phosphatidylinositol, PC-55, ethanolamine, Serine, choline, kelecin, lecithol, soy lecithin, vegilecithin, or vitrellin.
Phosphatidyl choline compounds commonly found in cell membranes of plants and animals, as well as in nerve tissue or the brain. Choline (as a proportion of phosphatidyl choline) can be found in the liver, oatmeal, cabbage, and cauliflower. Lecithin is also on sunflower, rapeseed, and soybeans.
Content of soy lecithin in high enough, ie 20 to 22%. Lecithin is? is encouraging lipotropik fatty acid transport from the liver to body tissue or increase fat burning in the heart. In addition, lecithin can prevent excessive fat tertimbunnya.
In the body, lecithin compound will work erode the fat deposits on artery walls, which then dissolves in the blood. Lecithin is also lower cholesterol. Lecithin choline supply to the body and increase the formation acethylcholine, substances for the benefit of neurotransmitters in the brain. Therefore, lecithin is also expected to help improve children's learning ability.
Lecithin's ability to reduce fat content due to the unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid or omega-6 (approximately 55%), oleic acid (9.8%), and arakhidonat acid (5.5%). Molecules of unsaturated fatty acids is the double bind, and shall be binding on other fat molecules. After binding to other fats, and then going to burn in places that need it in the body as energy.
Lecithin can also be expected to prevent coronary heart disease, stroke, and dementia (memory loss due to the blockage of oxygen to the brain due to clogged blood vessels) in people with hypertension and diabetes. For patients with post-stroke, post-by pass, and fatty liver, lecithin can help? maintain the condition that no more blood vessels blocked. However, why lecithin is often referred to as "medicine" of youth? At the heart of their fatty, usually exchange substance in his body is not normal.
That's because the heart (which should break down fats and neutralizes poisons) are not well served. The body becomes hard and face will look older. With lecithin, excess fat in the liver to? reduced. Will work normal again so that the body will re-fresh or feel more youthful.
It was indeed in accordance with one lecithin functions, namely to encourage the regeneration of body cells to be fit. In addition, experiments on animals proved to increase the age of life expectancy to 36%.
Sari soy lecithin containing compounds that have been used as medicine since 50 years ago. Namely lecithin functions as the destroyer of fat that makes a person more youthful.
Lecithin (lecithin) is a phosphatidyl choline compounds contained in soy extracts. Other names include lecithin is phosphatidyl, phosphatidylinositol, PC-55, ethanolamine, Serine, choline, kelecin, lecithol, soy lecithin, vegilecithin, or vitrellin.
Phosphatidyl choline compounds commonly found in cell membranes of plants and animals, as well as in nerve tissue or the brain. Choline (as a proportion of phosphatidyl choline) can be found in the liver, oatmeal, cabbage, and cauliflower. Lecithin is also on sunflower, rapeseed, and soybeans.
Content of soy lecithin in high enough, ie 20 to 22%. Lecithin is? is encouraging lipotropik fatty acid transport from the liver to body tissue or increase fat burning in the heart. In addition, lecithin can prevent excessive fat.
In the body, lecithin compound will work erode the fat deposits on artery walls, which then dissolves in the blood. Lecithin is also lower cholesterol. Lecithin choline supply to the body and increase the formation acethylcholine, substances for the benefit of neurotransmitters in the brain. Therefore, lecithin is also expected to help improve children's learning ability.
Lecithin's ability to reduce fat content due to the unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid or omega-6 (approximately 55%), oleic acid (9.8%), and arakhidonat acid (5.5%). Molecules of unsaturated fatty acids is the double bind, and shall be binding on other fat molecules. After binding to other fats, and then going to burn in places that need it in the body as energy. Lecithin can also be expected to prevent coronary heart disease, stroke, and dementia (memory loss due to the blockage of oxygen to the brain due to clogged blood vessels) in people with hypertension and diabetes.
For patients with post-stroke, post-by pass, and fatty liver, lecithin can help? maintain the condition that no more blood vessels blocked. However, why lecithin is often referred to as "medicine" of youth? At the heart of their fatty, usually exchange substance in his body is not normal.
That's because the heart (which should break down fats and neutralizes poisons) are not well served. The body becomes hard and face will look older. With lecithin, excess fat in the liver to? reduced. Will work normal again so that the body will re-fresh or feel more youthful.
It was indeed in accordance with one lecithin functions, namely to encourage the regeneration of body cells to be fit. In addition, experiments on animals proved to increase the age of life expectancy to 36%.
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